Thursday 31 January 2013

CES 2013

Intel's "Notebook Tree" at CES 2013
Computer Sales Centre staff recently visited the 2013 International CES, the world's largest consumer electronics trade show. What did we see? Well, the world's largest and most sophisticated televisions, self-driving cars, refrigerators that suggest recipes based on what is inside, $30,000 camera lenses, brain-wave controlled television remote controls, robots, and more. But also some great new products you'll be seeing at the store over the coming months, including new ceramic driver based portable speakers from long-time favourite manufacturer X-Mini, amazing tablets from and notebooks from our friends at Asus, the revolutionary G-Form iPad and iPhone cases from G-Form technology (which utilize an absolutely amazing compound that changes from pliable to rock-hard in response to impact), and much more. Watch here for announcements as new products arrive at the store!

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